Today I start a new blog. This one. LaffZine.
I intend to write this blog for fun – your fun and my fun.
I am an older adult. I like all kinds of humor, but not everything is funny to me. I suspect that’s true with you also. Many times the types of things I find funny turn out to be things that other old people would find funny. So I decided I might as well make that clear right away. So I put it in my logo: “Humor for Older Adults ONLY.”
Of course, you’re welcome to stick around even if you’re not old. Maybe you belong to one of those mysterious gen-something groups – the ones nobody seems to remember which is which.
An important note to readers… especially now when the question of true authorship is so relevant.
I intent to write this blog with only minimal (if any) support and aissistance from Artificial Intelligence. To be perfectly straight and honest. I plan to highlight and identify any AI written sctions. Fully generated AI will look like this: >>>!!! AI Written !!!<<<
Partial assistance only, that is, originated by AI but heavily edited by me or our writers, will look like this:
>>>>>> AI Contributed <<<<<<
And anything not so designated should be assumed to be completely written by human minds and hands.